Getting You Back On The Road To Recovery

Finding the right Solution for you

With over 30 years experience fitting patients with everything they need to heal faster and get back to the life they love, our knowledgeable staff will provide you with professional expertise and innovation medical technology that is easy to use and patient friendly.

We carry the most popular breast pump brands with the most recent technology. Thanks to the affordable care act, many of our pumps are fully covered by your insurance. Get started on preparing for your new little one today.

Clients share their experience

Proper Fitting & Care

Proper Fitting and Care

Our experienced staff has the skills and knowledge to provide you with the best product to support and aid you in recovery.

Work With Most Insurance

Work With Most Insurance

We are contracted with most major insurance carriers and will match in-network benefits if we are out of network, to minimize any out of pocket cost.

Contact Us Today

Contact Us Today

Let us help you get back on your feet! (913) 745-4468
[email protected]